Harbour Island Force Main Replacement Design-Build Project | Project Overview
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Project Overview

Harbour Island

Harbour Island Force Main Replacement Design-Build Project

The Harbour Island Force Main, which was placed into service in 1951, is an essential pipeline in the City of Tampa’s wastewater system that transfers all wastewater from the Hillsborough River corridor to the Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. It conveys more than 15 million gallons, or 30 percent of the City’s wastewater, each day from the Krause Street Pumping Station in Downtown Tampa to the treatment plant on Hookers Point.


Since 1976 the City has replaced and relocated several segments of the Force Main, and has renovated the Krause Street Pumping Station.  Approximately 8,910 linear feet of original pipe is still in service today. Due to the deteriorating condition of the pipe and the critical service the Force Main provides to the City’s wastewater system, the City embarked on the Harbour Island Force Main Replacement Design-Build Project (Project).


This Project includes all engineering and construction services necessary to modernize the remaining original components of the Force Main.  This included the evaluation of pipe and pipeline route alternatives, preliminary surveys and soil sampling, selection of alternatives, final design and construction. The design-build process will help the City deliver a cost-effective, reliable wastewater pipeline that will serve future generations.